Why do a procedure at the surgerycenter or in the office? Dr. Lindsey explains his philosophy

When I started out in 1995…we did everything at the hospital.  First off, it took me a long time to do much of anything….you simply are slow when you start out.  Not bad…just slow.  And if its going to take 3 or 4 hours…well numbing medicine usually wears off at 2:15, you need to have the patient asleep so they don’t feel anything.  But as I got more experience…mainly numbing up experience….I could numb better and do smaller surgeries either awake or with a valium or 2.  Then with more experience, and good patient selection…I was able to start bigger cases awake SAFELY.   Now, for everything except Noses, Lower eyelids, and really big facelifts, I can accomplish the surgeries efficiently, and without the increased risk of anesthesia..and its cost..in the office.  FOR MOST PEOPLE.   There are exceptions of course.  I had a lady just last week who came with a friend.  That lady had an easy surgery and no trouble.  The friend is simply too nervous to get near a needle while awake, so we did her at the surgerycenter.  Frankly, after doing as many as I have done, I do think I do a better job with the patient awake…as the patient can help me by holding their chin up when I’m working on their neckline.  At the surgerycenter, I have to work around the nurse’s fingers and retractors.   If you would have told me that I could do a short facelift and a browlift, on an awake patient…20 years ago, I would have not believed it.   But that is exactly what we did the last 2 weeks, here in the office.