by Jenna Ryu

For years, Bella Hadid denied she’d had plastic surgery. But now, she’s changing her tune and speaking about a cosmetic procedure she regrets: the nose job she got when she was 14. 

“I wish I had kept the nose of my ancestors,” Hadid told Vogue last week. She’s the daughter of Dutch-born former “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Yolanda Hadid and Palestinian real estate developer Mohamed Hadid. “I think I would have grown into it.”

And it’s not uncommon for teens to get cosmetic procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, nearly 230,000 cosmetic surgeries were performed on teens ages 13-19 in 2017, and some as young as 15 are even documenting their plastic surgeries on social media. 

For years, Bella Hadid denied she’d had plastic surgery. But now, she’s changing her tune and speaking about a cosmetic procedure she regrets: the nose job she got when she was 14. 

“I wish I had kept the nose of my ancestors,” Hadid told Vogue last week. She’s the daughter of Dutch-born former “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Yolanda Hadid and Palestinian real estate developer Mohamed Hadid. “I think I would have grown into it.”

And it’s not uncommon for teens to get cosmetic procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, nearly 230,000 cosmetic surgeries were performed on teens ages 13-19 in 2017, and some as young as 15 are even documenting their plastic surgeries on social media. 

“Girls nowadays live in a culture with so much pressure to change their appearances, whether it’s putting on makeup or something more extreme like cosmetic surgery,” says Leora Tanenbaum, feminist and author of “I Am Not a Slut.” “But rather than judging or shaming individuals (like Hadid), we need to think more collectively about the pressures young women face to look a certain way.”

Celebrities often deny, keep quiet about their plastic surgery. Why that’s problematic.

The problem with teen girls getting plastic surgery

For some, cosmetic procedures can provide a boost of confidence that’s especially critical for those who lack self-esteem or are bullied.

Pearlman says that in his experience with young patients, “it’s more often that the psychological impact of a rhinoplasty, (like) improved self-esteem, surpasses the physical changes to their nose.”