How long do short scar facelifts last? Dr. Lindsey explains | McLean | Virginia

I’ve currently done over 4000 facelifts, with more than 3000 of those being short scar facelifts. Depending on the patient’s anatomy, bone structure, age and skin elasticity…our average patient wants a “tune up” around 7 years out. There are of course lots of folks who don’t have anything else done, and some who want more pull…so to speak…at 3 years. I’m fairly blunt on what my surgeries can and can not accomplish and together, we figure out what is the right option for you before we start down this road.

Way back…my traditional lower facelift took me 3 hours and general anethesia and frankly was no better for MOST people than my current short scar rhytidectomy. Like everything..the more you do of something the better you get at it.