
If you have weakened or loose neck muscles, this may cause the “turkey wattle” or appearance of neck “bands.”

To correct this, your surgeon may recommend platysmaplasty surgery. The surgeon makes incisions under your chin and/or behind your ears to access the platysma (neck muscle) and manipulate it accordingly. Sometimes, that may even mean removing some muscle. Your surgeon may also use permanent sutures to hold the tissue in place.

There are new less invasive procedures, where your surgeon may be able to make smaller incisions and use an endoscope (small camera attached to a thin tube) to complete your surgery. Make sure you ask your surgeon for all your options during your consultation.

You and your surgeon will discuss what type of anesthesia to use, depending on your level of comfort. If you want to remain asleep during the procedure, you should request general anesthesia. Otherwise, your surgeon can use local anesthesia with sedation. It’s up to you, however, to make that determination.

Even though your neck can age before your face, Father Time is not always responsible for that appearance you’d like to undo. If you’ve lost a lot of weight, your neck may be taking its time to catch up. For others, it’s a matter of genetics. Whatever the reason, people young and old undergo neck lift procedures all the time.

A neck lift is actually a set of procedures used to enhance the appearance of your neck:

  • Cervicoplasty is the procedure used to remove excess skin
  • Platysmaplasty removes or alters neck muscles
  • During your consultation, your surgeon will instruct you on what medications to avoid prior to your surgery. Certain medications and vitaminsthin your blood and can cause increased bleeding.
  • If you are a smoker, you will need to quit at least two weeks before the surgery and two weeks after. You cannot just plan to cut down. You must not smoke for this time period to ensure proper healing.
  • Also, this is no time for a diet: make sure that you eat properly because this will help your body heal.
  • Make sure you wear loose, comfortable clothing on the day of surgery. You should especially plan to wear a button-down blouse or shirt that does not have to be pulled over your neck or head.
  • You should plan to take at least one week off from work to recover. However, your doctor can determine this based on your personal situation.
  • If you are having platysmaplasty, cervicoplasty, or a combination of any of the procedures we’ve discussed here, you should plan on having a home recovery area set up before you undergo surgery.

Your Home Recovery Area Should Include:

  • Ice packs
  • Gauze and towels
  • Thermometer
  • Supply of comfortable, loose clothing (preferably button down shirts or blouses that do not have to be pulled over your neck and head)
  • Petroleum jelly and antibacterial ointment for incision sites
  • Telephone within reaching distance of where you’ll be lying or sitting most of the time
  • Supply of pillows which will allow you to keep your head in a comfortable position
  • Someone who can stay with you at least the first 24 hours after surgery